
A cookie is a segment of data that are stored in the user’s browser in order to provide more information to the web server about it, allowing to remember certain parameters and information about the user, achieving greater personalization and analysis of behavior of the same.

We use cookies to facilitate the use of our website. Cookies are small information files that allow us to compare and understand how our users navigate through our website, and thus be able to improve the browsing process accordingly. If you do not want to receive cookies, please configure your Internet browser to delete them from your computer’s hard drive, block them or notify you if they are installed. To continue without changes in the configuration of cookies, simply continue on the web page.

Types of Cookies:

There are different types of cookies, which can be classified according to their purpose when obtaining information about the user:

Technical cookies: Those that are essential to allow the user to navigate through a web page, such as those that allow you to store the data of an online order.

Personalization cookies: This type allows you to customize the functions or contents of the website based on the data obtained from the browser. Through these cookies we can present a website in the same browser language used to visit the web.

Analysis cookies: They are used for statistical purposes only. A clear example could be the cookies generated by the Google Analytics tracking script.

Advertising and behavioral advertising cookies: These are all those that aim to improve the effectiveness of advertising spaces. Thus, Google’s ad network or adservers include these types of technologies to provide the desired service to their customers.
B.- How to manage cookies on computers.

If you want to allow the use of cookies from our site, please follow the instructions below.

Google Chrome

When you open the browser, click on “tools” at the top and select the “options” tab.
Within options, click on “privacy”.
Mark “allow the administration of cookies”.
Microsoft Internet Explorer 6.0, 7.0, 8.0, 9.0

When you open the browser, click on “tools” at the top and select the “options” tab.
Check the “Privacy” tab, making sure you are configured with a medium or lower security level.
If the Internet configuration is not average, cookies will be blocked.
Mozilla Firefox

When you open the browser, click on “tools” at the top and select the “options” tab.
Select the Privacy icon
Click on cookies, and check: “allow the installation of cookies”.

When you open the browser, click on “tools” at the top and select the “options” tab.
Click on the “Security” tab and check if the option “Block third-party cookies access” is checked or not.
Click on “save”.

The installation of cookies on Mac

If you have a Mac and want to allow access to our cookies on your computer, please follow the instructions below:

Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.0 on OSX
1. Go to “Explorer” and select “Preferences” in the navigation bar.

Scroll down until you see “Cookies” just below received files.
Mark “Do not ask again”.
OSX Safari

Enter Safari and select “Preferences” in the navigation bar.
2. Click on the “Security” tab and check the “accept cookies” option

Select the option: “Only from the current site where I am browsing”
Mozilla and Netscape in OSX

Enter “Mozilla” or “Netscape” and at the top of your browser, check the “Preferences” option
Scroll down until you see “Cookies” just below “Privacy and Security.”
Check the option “Allow the access of cookies only from the current site”

Go to “Opera” and select “Menu” and “Settings” in the navigation bar.
Select “Preferences” and click on the “Advanced” tab.
Check the option “Accept cookies”
Cookies policy
Like other commercial content websites, our Website uses a technology called “cookies” and server log files to gather information about its use.

This Cookies Policy and our Terms of Use and Privacy Policy, in a separate document, constitute the Terms and Conditions of our Website.

A cookie is a very small text file that often includes an exclusive anonymous identifier. When you visit a website, the computer of that site asks your computer for permission to save the file in a part of your hard drive specific to cookies.

The information collected through the cookies and server log files may include the date and time of visits, the pages viewed, the time spent on our Website and the sites visited just before and after it.

How we use Cookies
We use the cookies described below.

We use both our and third party cookies. That is, both we and third companies establish cookies through this Website.

We use “analytical” cookies that, together with our server log files, allow us to calculate the total number of people who visit our site and those parts of it that are most popular. In this way we obtain information that can help us improve our Website and give a better service to users and customers.

If you enter our Website or the content management system, the cookies will register your session and references.

In some of our web pages you can also set third-party cookies (for example, by pressing buttons on social networks or viewing videos hosted on another website). We can not access the data stored in these cookies.

We use “session” cookies, which allow you to carry information from one page to another of the Website without having to re-enter it. With session cookies we can make statistics that help us understand how the Website is used and how to improve its structure.

We use “persistent” cookies, which are those that remain in your browser’s cookie file for longer, allowing us to recognize you as a visitor to the Site and adapt the content of certain areas of the same to offer content that suits your preferences.

Rejection of Cookies
In any case, we inform you that since cookies are not necessary for the use of the Website, you can block them by activating the configuration of your browser that allows you to refuse the installation of all cookies or some of them (see more details below) ). The majority of browsers allow to warn of the presence of cookies or to reject them automatically. If you reject them, you may continue to use our Site, although the use of some of your services may be limited. However, it should be noted that if you use your browser settings to block all cookies (including basic cookies) you may not have access to all or part of our Website.

You can also delete cookies at any time through the browser settings of your browser.

For more information on how to adjust your cookie settings in the following browsers, we refer you to the relevant link:

IE5 (

IE6 (

IE7 (

IE8 (

IE9 (

Firefox –

Chrome –

Safari – (and for iOS –

Our Cookies

We include below a list of the cookies we use, their purpose and the maximum number of days that will remain on your computer (unless you delete them before):

Execution / analytical

Name of the Cookie: has_js
Originating page (s): The first page the user visits
Data collected by the cookie: Sessions of visitors
Developed by The Advertising Community
Purpose: has_js is used to determine if he has activated javascript which can help to present the information of the site in an appropriate way.
Expiration: At the end of the session

Name of the cookie: _utma
Originating page (s): The first page visited by the Internet user
Originating party (Third): Google Analytics
Developed by Google Inc.
Data collected by the cookie: Page visits
Purpose: _utma is used to track the visitor and is persistent, that is, does not expire unless the cookies are deleted. Each browser that visits a page in is assigned a unique identifier through _utma cookie. In this way, subsequent visits to the site through the same browser are recorded as belonging to the same (particular) visitor.
Expiration: 2 years from the end of the last visit

Name of the cookie: _utmb
Originating page (s): The first page visited by the Internet user
Originating Party (third party): Google Analytics
Developed by Google Inc.
Data collected by the cookie: Sessions of visitors
Purpose: _utmb is used to determine the session of a visitor. It is set when a visitor enters the site and ends when they stop on a page of the site for more than 30 minutes or 30 minutes after they leave the site
Expiration: 30 minutes after the end of the session or when the activity has stopped

Name of the cookie: _utmc
Originating page (s): The first page that the user visits.
Originating party (third party): Google Analytics
Developed by Google Inc.
Data collected by the cookie: Sessions of visitors
Purpose: _utmc is also used to determine the session of a visitor. It is established when a visitor enters the site and expires at the end of the browser session.
Expiration: End of Session

Name of the Cookie: _utmz
Originating page (s): The first page the user visits
Originating party (third party): Google Analytics
Developed by Google Inc.
Data collected by the cookie: Links and conversions
Purpose: utmz is used to find out how the visitor has arrived at, for example, through the result of a search engine, a direct link or an advertisement that links to the site. The parameters of the value chain of the cookie are analyzed syntactically and sent in the GIF Request (in the utmcc variable). The expiration date of the cookie is set at 6 months. The cookie is updated with each subsequent visit to a page and is used to determine the navigation of visitors within the site.
Expiration: 6 months from the end of the last visit

Google Tag Manager
Originating page (s): The first page the user visits
Originating party (third party): Google Analytics
Developed by Google Inc.
Data collected by the cookie: Links and labels
Purpose: measure traffic and track a set of labels
Expiration: End of Session.

Name of the Cookie: __atuvc
Originating page (s): The first page the user visits
Originating party (third party): AddThis
Developed by AddThis
Data collected by the cookie: Share account
Purpose: The __atuvc cookie is created and read by the JavaScript of the Addthis sharing site on the client in order to ensure that the user sees the updated count if they share a page and return to it before the update cache is updated. share account. No data from the cookie is sent back to AddThis and removing it by disabling cookies could cause unexpected behavior for users.
Expiration: 2 years

Name of the Cookie: uid
Originating page (s): The first page the user visits
Originating party (third party): AddThis
Developed by AddThis
Data collected by the cookie: User ID unique randomly generated.
Purpose: Stores the letters and numbers generated at random. AddThis cookies allow users to share content through social networking websites and email. When we provide links to third-party services that you find useful, you can place a cookie on your device to make your service easier to use.
Expiration: At the end of the session

Cookies named __utma through __utmz are stored by websites that choose to use Google Analytics to see how people visit their websites.

The cookie names seem to come from an earlier versions called the Urchin tracking module. These cookie names are still used by the ga.js. new

Some details:

__utmz records if the visitor came from a search engine (and if so, the search keyword used), a link, or from any previous page (for example, a bookmark).

__utma stores the number of visits (for each visitor), the time of the first visit, the previous visit and the current visit

__utmb and __utmc are used to check approximately how fast people leave: when the visit starts and ends approximately (c expires quickly). If you look at cookie status changes (for example, using Firecookie), you will see these change regularly.

as well:

__utmv is used for custom user variables in Google Analytics

__utmk – digest UTM values ​​hashes (verify)

__utmx is used by Website Optimizer, when it is being used (verify)

Name Type Description of the owner

persistent ci_session cookie frame SSP Health CodeIgniter to handle visits and user sessions (anonymous) on our website and also provides access to the repeated prescription system.

Persistent Google Adivice Cookie The Adiv contains an identifier that is used by AdInsight to track a visitor in time. This allows AdInsight to show multiple visits made by a client in time from the same browser. This cookie expires 1 year after the visitor leaves the website.

__atuvc persistent AddThis Provides functionality for social media buttons

__atuvs Session AddThis Provides functionality for social media buttons

__gat Session Google This cookie is used to calculate the average length of time users spend on our site.

_ga persistent Google This information records cookies on how they came to the page